The singer, who has long established herself as primadonna assoluta...
The singer, who has long established herself as primadonna assoluta...
Dinara Aliyeva as Violetta creates a captivatingly multifaceted portrayal that captivates with filigree feelings and the depth of strong emotions.
Aliyeva sang easily and freely, and her gamut of emotions stretched from the tragic feeling caused by lost love’s devastation ...
... in front of us we have not just a talented singer, but a musician and an artist, a serious and deep creative person who possesses the secret of keeping the audience captivated…
…Dinara Alieva played Mimì with personality and gained the favor of the audience with her very first aria, “Mi chiamano Mimì”…
As Tatiana, Dinara Alieva … is convincing; she presents the transformation from naïve young girl to a knowing woman effortlessly.